Thursday, June 20, 2013

Buh buh Boise!

Hi Mom and Dad (and family),

No it is not my P-day, but President Cannon wanted me to send you a quick note saying I was here. I am in Boise! Yeah!  And guess what?  I'm staying in Boise!  For the next 2 years!  So all the addresses and info should all be good.

I've got an AWESOME trainer, Elder Nelson.  He is the zone leader here and is just a spiritual giant. Despite what the picture of us may make him see!  He was so ready with things to do right when I got here!  I was happy to just jump right in and get going!

We have been teaching lessons already on the first day.  I love missionary work!  It is the best!  I am excited to keep teaching!  It feels like I am right at home, and that I have been doing this for a year.  It is just so natural and normal to me!  Heavenly Father has blessed me so much.

Love you both!  Have a great rest of the week!  I know that through Christ's atonement we can receive that enabling grace to help us change and do all things the Lord would have us do!

--Elder Usevitch

Oh PS my area is about 3 square miles, we cover 5 wards, and we have a car!  As such, yes Mom we do get dinner every night.  The signups are covered. :)

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