And so the new transfer begins! Turns out that one of the wards we covered was given to a brand new companionship in the stake, and we picked up a ward that some other sisters had been covering, so we still have two wards but now we start the process of getting to know people and names again. Hooray! With all the new missionaries and stuff, we had a bunch of coordinating and getting supplies and calls and texts and stuff to handle, but it all worked out and we are well on our way! There is a lot of potential in our new ward that we are super excited to tap into, so let the teaching begin!
Also, random comment, we had dinner with a family where the wife served a mission in Poland. I showed her our Polish spelling of our name, Jusiewicz, and she said that it's pronounced "You-shu-vitch", so our Anglicized Usevitch spelling is actually pretty good. Apparently 'J' makes the 'y' sound, and 'si' is the 'sh' sound, so that was super cool to hear. She might actually be able to get in contact with a family history center in Poland so hmm..... We'll see. It would be cool to figure out some more of our ancestry there!
One of my favorite teaching experiences of the week was with one family where the wife is LDS and the husband is not. We had met with them a few times before, but we didn't really know their concerns or thoughts about the gospel. So we said a prayer before we went in and asked the Lord to help us to be able to find out more of what they were thinking and feeling so we could help them better. We go into the lesson and about 10 mins in, the lesson basically was laid aside as they opened up and just shared with us about themselves, their past, their desires, etc. I was blown away! The Lord heard our prayer and DEFINITELY answered it better than I could have ever imagined! I am so grateful for that!
Shorter letter today, but I have to share that I can testify that revelation is real! This week I had so much come to me, it was insane. I always like to write down the things that come, but I found myself this week so overloaded with ideas that I haven't gotten them all fully down. I just have notes here and there and hopefully I will get time to record them here soon. The Lord has been so kind to send all this my way, and I am excited to take this and go out and fail in applying it. Er, rather I am excited to go out and do my best to apply it with the knowledge that I will most likely not succeed perfectly but I will still learn and grow more from the experience! Simple changes of perspective and attitude do so much, right? ;)
Anyways, sometimes I wish I had more time to share, but I will leave you to ponder for yourself the quote that started a bunch of my thoughts. It's from Elder Dube of the Seventy - "In the sight of the Lord, it is not so much what we have done or where we have been but much more where we are willing to go." So to tickle your fancy, here's something that I thought of from this - It is ok to love someone for who they were yesterday, it is better to love them for who they are today, but it is best to love them for who they may become and treat them right now as if they already were. That is how God does it. That is how He views us! That explains so much of how He can act the way He does towards all His children.
Love you all! Have a great week. I'll be praying for you.
--Elder Usevitch
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