Monday, October 14, 2013

WHy do I have so many things to say that it gets super long and...

First off, I would like to say, that I have had my knowledge renewed again this week that music is my fuel.  Man.  I love it so much!  The times that I am happiest, I always have a song in my head or my heart!  Sometimes I wonder if I bother others with my random singing, but I don't think about that too much because I am having too much fun lifting up my voice and pouring my heart out!  Singing when I get up, singing in the shower, singing during the day as we go along, singing when we come back at night, and singing right before I go to bed, ahhhhh....... :)  Of course, it would be nice to have time for more piano, and it would be nice to have a harmonica or recorder, but singing works well with multi-tasking, so it is what I resort to.
If you ever get down, if you ever feel sad,
If you ever feel happy, or feel like you're glad,
Then SING IT AWAY and pour out your heart,
And feel all those feelings come out and ...

Ok, so I have to admit that I am bad at being impromptu Dr. Seuss.  Come up with your own ending and make that terrible poem better. :)  But singing is great to just feel your feelings come out and make you feel better!

Anyways, now that I have gotten past explaining my abnormal obsession in that area, I have news!  We got a message that I received a LARGE package in the mission office.  I was super confused, until I found out more.....

Inline image 1

Whoa.  Whoa.  Can you say BRAND NEW 2014 Chevy Cruze?  Only 8 miles on it when we got it?  Well, I can. :)  Haha, that was a HUGE surprise.  So our missionary work has changed somewhat, I have to say!  At least I will be warm this winter, granted only if I stay here and don't get transferred...

Other than that, we had some great times this week in teaching.  We found a guy on the street and invited him to see the inside of the church on a tour, and he accepted!  We also had an amazing time teaching one of our investigators, Robert, in the home of his girlfriend's family.  Teaching the Plan of Salvation with a family there to testify of it's importance is super sweet.  I really feel like he felt the Spirit in that lesson!

Thanks for all your prayers for me!  I really feel their help.  Just like I felt it during General Conference when they prayed for missionaries in just about every prayer.  The Lord really listens to prayers!  In fact, story time....

We have an investigator who has a hard time with prayer and says he has never had a prayer answered.  He has been meeting with missionaries for a long time, and we have made very very slow progress.  We had Stake Conference this past week, and they broadcasted it from the stake center to our building.  Right before Dan got there, the video broke down.  He got there and joked it was because he came that it was broken.  After a few minutes, he said to me "Will you join me?"  I was super confused at first, and then he said "Let's say a prayer to help it work!"

Whoa.  Dan?  What?  I was shocked, but we each said a prayer, and a few minutes later, it came back on.  I was humbled by his example and his words that "We're in a church, the LORD'S HOUSE, so why don't I see anyone else praying to help it to work?"  Yeah, he taught me a huge lesson.  It was awesome.

Love you all!  Thanks for all your stories and inspiration to me!  It helps me so much. 

--Elder Usevitch

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