Monday, October 7, 2013

Stepping it UP!

Kkkssshshskksh... Hello again from Boise North!  This is the Elder speaking. Kkshhsshhkhshs...

What a week.  The Lord has been kind!  We had a bunch of meetings to go to, such as a new missionary meeting for me and my companions, zone meeting, and then General Conference.  Sometimes I like it when I listen and am happy and inspired and things are great.  This time around, though, the Lord took this week to let me know that I need to take another step up and get on a new level of missionary work.

Challenge accepted.

While it is hard to hear correction from the Lord, I am so happy that He did that!  I really needed a wake-up call to get myself going!  Like it was said in GC, He knows what it takes to get us to be like him, and He is going to do all He can to help us along that path!  I am grateful for what I have learned about goals while I have been serving, because I can now make ways to develop myself and see my progress grow as I work to achieve those goals!  I love the times when you get fired up about doing things, because that provides the fuel for the times when it will invariably get rough.

We had some amazing miracles this week.  My favorite one was stopping by a less-active family that we had been by many times before.  This time, however, we were invited in for the first time by the father.  We came in and started talking with him and his wife, and she almost immediately started bursting into tears, telling about how she had lost her job and they weren't sure about whether they would be able to pay the rent to keep their house.  She said we stopped by at exactly the right time that they needed it.

It's times like that that I am so humbled that the Lord is willing and able to work through me as an instrument in His hands.  We were able to talk to them, comfort them, give them both blessings, and then refer them to the bishop.  They were worried because they hadn't been active in over 15 years, and didn't want to just call to the church only when they needed help, but we reassured them that the bishop would love to meet with them and help out.  Bishop had a great meeting with them, and I'm looking forward to see how this experience starts their return to activity!

The Lord really loves each of His children.  He is doing the heavy lifting in this area.  He needs us, ALL of us, to make the next step for Him and be His hands!  How are you working with the family to increase your missionary efforts?  I loved Elder Ballard's talk on that.  Little things - start out with little things!  Inviting people over to feel the Spirit in your home, praying for opportunities, developing more friendships, meeting more people, talking to everyone, etc., etc.  There is so much potential in each of us to bring more people to the fold.

Studying the doctrine of the gospel also helps us gain desire to share, I know!  So the questions for today come from 3 Nephi 27:16.  After you read it,
  • What does it mean that you will be "filled" after you have repented and been baptized?
  • How have you been filled because of your decision to follow Christ through baptism and confirmation?
That really reminded of the line from the song "My Shepherd Will Supply My Need" that states "my cup with blessings overflows."  The Lord has really filled my life with so much because of my decision I made long ago when I was 8 to follow Him. I am so grateful for what He has done!

Love you all!  Thanks for all your examples!

Taters and onions,

--Elder Usevitch

P.S. If anyone has a copy of the sheet music to that song, I will pay you big bucks to get it. :)  Extra cash if you can find the arrangement that the a cappella group Reprise sings.  The piano part in that is SWEET!

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