Monday, July 22, 2013

The Lord protects his Missionaries

Isn't that so true?

But don't worry Mom, I just put that in to catch your attention.  Nothing happened, haha!  Of course, now something probably will this next week just to spite me.  But I know that no matter what happens, as long as I keep the rules, Heavenly Father will protect me!  Thanks for all the prayers you give in my behalf!

This week... Hmm.... Well, first off, I forgot my camera, so unfortunately no pictures this week.  Bummer.  I had some great ones to send on!

We were able to talk to a bunch of people this week!  Some good, some not the best, but I have loved the opportunities to share my testimony with everyone we meet!  Of course, when you get the whole grace/works/you're-not-a-Christian argument twice in a day, sometimes you just have to smile, bear testimony, and leave.  There are always comebacks to give, but they never listen, so whatever.

I got to go on exchanges again this week!  This was my second time on a bike.  We got to go around and talk to so many people!  Got caught in a huge but brief cloudburst, man it was awesome!  Oh... something just clicked... That must be why I got all those spots on my shirt.  Duh.  I had tried hard to not go quickly over the little gutters of water in the street, but I totally forgot about the rain we went through.

Anyways, in one instance, after biking for a long distance to find that the person we were trying to meet wasn't home, I wanted to make sure that we didn't just do that for nothing. Even though our dinner was soon, we looked around and started talking to a lady taking out her trash. She just so happened to be a less-active member who didn't come to church because she said she felt guilty about something.  It was so great to be able to work to build her up and help her out!  We encouraged her to come back and shared our testimonies of how the Lord loves her.  Those kinds of times are really my favorite - when you really can sense a need someone has and help show how the restored gospel of Jesus Christ can help meet that need!

Oh and Dad, guess what?  You remember Jason from Studio C?  Yeah we had dinner with his brother.  And his parents live in the same ward.  Small world!  We had seen him before and talked about Jason and Studio C, but at dinner I chose not to bring up his brother because I remember you and what I like to call the Jim Usevitch syndrome.  You know what I mean.  :P

Other highlights - got to set one baptismal date with a younger guy, Nate, and we have two more dates in the works with two more kids, aged 9 and 13.  Awesome!  Miracles!  The 13-year old reminds me a little of Mark.  You two would have fun, I feel like!  (PS Mark!  What's going on?  I want to hear from you sometime!)

Yep, and the members here are amazing!  I have loved getting to know them and the awesome leadership here.  Sundays are just the best for that purpose.  Helping them fulfill their callings is another one of my favorite missionary activities.  Teaching Primary is always fun. :)

And now for the moment of Ponder:
  • Who are you?  How would you define yourself?
  • How do you view yourself?  Who do you see yourself becoming?
  • How does your Heavenly Father view you?  Who does HE see yourself becoming?
I am so grateful for the perspective the gospel gives me!  I know that I am a child of God with divine potential!  I know as we live the gospel we can see so many blessings come into our lives.  The Lord is just waiting to bless us!  He has blessed me so much already.  I am so grateful for his patience and help.

Love you!

--Elder Usevitch

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