Monday, November 4, 2013

No Subject

Hello everyone!

What a week.  Up and down and all around!  But that's normal, of course.  We had some INCREDIBLE, INCREDIBLE miracles.  It was awesome.

My favorite was definitely with Jim.  We had 3 great lessons with him.  The first we challenged him to go to church with the question if this church was true, and we promised him that he would be able to find answers there.  The second we watched the Restoration video at the house of some members.  He then went to church for Fast and Testimony meeting.  I sat wondering if I should bear my testimony or not, but decided to go do it.  I do it every month anyways... why miss a week? :P

So after church, Elder Taylor comes up to me and says that Jim was telling him that he had such a great experience after church.  We decide to set up a lesson for that night, and when we go over, he tells us more of what happened.  He described to us how he really felt the Holy Ghost during church.  He said that during the testimony of one older sister, and then during my testimony, he was really hit hard.  He told me that when I got up and spoke, he was hit hard and unexpectedly with such a great feeling!  We sat there amazed listening to him describe how he just felt so much joy.

Wow.  I am so grateful for the Lord sending His Spirit there to that church for him to feel!  It is again humbling to know that the Lord truly can work through you to bless the lives of others.  He is coming along really well, and he is now praying about a baptismal date for November 30th.  Yay!  He said that if he feels the same way next week at church, then "Bring on the water!  I'll do it right there!"  So guess what we will be praying for this week?  :)

In another lesson, we brought a member along to teach John and Krista.  The member was someone who we have been trying for about a month or so to come with us, and finally it happened!  We knew that he and John had grown up together in the same ward, and that was why we wanted him to come, but we didn't know that there would be so many more benefits.  Turns out they all like reading, they get along in other aspects, and it is just a perfect fit.  We are really looking forward to having him come along to help them out.

Haha as I write these things down I realize that I can't give the full picture, the full story, but at least you can get a taste of things that are happening.  I can't wait to keep going on and on!

I was thinking this week about different weaknesses of mine that have been coming up more, and while it is super hard to deal with and humbling, it is also good for me to realize what I need to work on.  I think that just like the Lord does not allow us to be tempted above that which we are able to bear, He also does not reveal to us what our true nature and weaknesses are more than we can handle.  Line upon line, precept upon precept, He teaches us who we really are so that we can slowly work and change.  If it was all at once, we would be totally overwhelmed!  I am grateful for his patience as I struggle and continue to change.

Love you all!  Have a fantasmigorical week!  The gospel is true!

--Elder Usevitch

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