Monday, November 18, 2013

To Baptize or not to Baptize?

That is the question.  Obvious answer, of course.

Hello Family!  And Friends!  And everyone else.
So.... the bad news of the week is that the baptism for Robert has to be postponed.  BUT, all is not lost.  He is a solid guy and will definitely keep progressing and coming to church.  We had a couple great lessons with him this past week, and it was great to hear feedback from the fellowshipping family that some of the lessons we chose to give were things that he really needed.  The Spirit does direct the work!  Now I just need to keep seeking that Spirit more and more.
After our fantastic zone conference last Tuesday, I set out this week to dive into the Book of Mormon more in my personal study.  There were definitely a couple of days where my feelings were not the most positive and my motivations for the work were lacking some, but as I read in the Book of Mormon, I was uplifted SO MUCH!  I remember one day when I started off reading, and all of a sudden in the middle of my study I looked up and realized that I felt great!  There truly is a power in the Book of Mormon.  I know there is!  I testify there is!  It was so great to take those experiences and testify to my investigators that I know the Book of Mormon will bless them IF they choose to read it and ponder over it.
Fun experience for the week was helping with the ward Rake-Up this Saturday.  We were able to get two investigators to come help with that (Robert was one), and we had a great time raking leaves.  Haha, and by great time I mean that we all woke up in the morning to a couple inches of snow on the ground!  That didn't stop us, though, so we set out and scooped up slushy piles of tree refuse for a few hours.  Love it!
I think one of my favorite miracles this week was finally catching up with a part-member family.  We met the wife a few months ago, and haven't been able to see them since, so this was awesome.  We had heard from the RS President, their neighbor, that their daughter was interested in taking the lessons, so of course our interest was caught and we went by again.  The Lord led us to go at the right time when they were all home, and we talked, met them, and set up a time to go by this week to teach the daughter AND the nonmember father!  We are super excited to be working with their whole family.
Seeing the ward coordinate more to help with the work is the best.  One investigator we were teaching had a few problems and concerns which drove him away from meeting with us, but a lady in the ward visit-teaches his LA girlfriend and has been able to friendship both of them.  Another investigator we were able to finally get introduced to Young Women in the ward, so hopefully she will now start coming to Mutual and maybe even church!  I am so grateful to be working with such an active ward!  The ward really is the key!
To end, I am grateful for what the Lord is teaching me about focusing on Him and the work.  So for some food for thought:
  • What does it mean to have an "eye single to the glory of God?"
  • How can you focus more on Him each day?
  • How can you develop more integrity towards Him?
I'm still thinking about those, for sure.  But I want to share with you that I know that the Book of Mormon is true, and I know that it will bless the life of any person who sincerely seeks to read it, ponder it, and act upon it!
Love you all!
Oh, and I have a NEPHEW!!!!  WAHOOOO!!!!!
--Uncle Elder Usevitch

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